Thursday, September 25, 2014

Post 5: My Future Job 

- What kind of job would you like to have? How do you imagine it?

- Outdoors /indoors?

- Would you like to travel a lot in your job?
- In an office?
- What major are you studying / are you thinking of taking?    Explain why
- Add any other related ideas.

- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts

- Word Count: 210 words


When I think of a job in the future, I think of a job that can give me a lot of time to spend with my family and friends. A job in which pays enough money to travel and allow me to go to different places around the world. Then I can learn about the different people and their culture as well as their history. 

I think of a job that I can make my own schedule where I do not need to go everyday for eight or more hours. I imagine this job in an office where I also have a nice view and good lighting. I imagine an office with brilliant light that illuminates my entire space and makes cheerful too.  

If this job gives the opportunity to travel, it will be even better for me. I would visit some countries abroad, and hopefully some that I have never visited before. I will meet new people and maybe make new and good friends as well.

It would be ideal if this job is related to my studies. I am thinking to a minor in social psychology next semester. This minor will allow me to work in human resource area. I have always wanted to work in the hiring process for a big company, and, or, multinational one.

Friday, September 12, 2014


  • Let's talk about cultural shock. (Define it from your career point of view)
  • Have I ever experienced a cultural shock. 
  • How did you feel?
  • Give at least an example

Minimun 200 words

Cultural shock is the personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencing unfamiliar way of life due to a change in his or her life. The unfamiliar surroundings, the strange habits, the way things are valued, even the way people greet each other can all contribute to a feeling of uneasiness and confusion.
That is the way I felt when I remember moving abroad years ago. When I arrived to Costa Rica, at the beginning everything was new but different at the same time. My first shock was the food; they eat rice and beans at every meal. Then, the transportation was a bigger shock; the bus drivers stopped everywhere and even stopped if they were hungry, we, the passengers had to wait in the bus while they were finishing their meal or snack. Costa Rican are also relaxed people, if they do not finish or do something on time, they will leave it for the next day. They say “mañana.” Another thing very different was the street addresses. The street had names, but no one used them. If you had to go to a place, they would tell you the neighbourhood and the numbers of “varas” – Spanish old measurement- from a reference point to go to the address you want it. One day someone told me to go 10 varas north from the monolith in Columbus Avenue. I had never seen one. However, most of the people in the city knew about this monolith which had been demolished many years ago. In the middle of the avenue on the street it was small piece of square which it was this monolith symbol, but to see it you had to cross the avenue.

All of the above examples make me feel unease at the beginning. I felt confuse and did not know how to express these feelings to anyone. After sometime, I got used to this new life and all of this became a lot of fun. Finally, I laughed.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Resultado de imagen para image of careers
Post 2:

My Career

Resultado de imagen para image of careers 

Why did I choose to study ____?
What did I know about this career that attracted me?
Why Universidad de Chile?
 180 words minimum

I chose to study sociology because I thought I would change the society where I lived. This was my dream. This was many years ago. Today, I know it was just a dream. Even though, many things have changed in our society, these changes have not been what I dreamt. My dream was to live a more fair society where everyone had the same opportunities, not only few. A society where people were treated as equals, no matter from where they came from, where they study, what color was their skin, what religion they practiced, what sexual preference they have, etc.

Sociology had a very interesting curricula, I learned many interesting things about society, about many different social scientists and some economic concepts that allowed me to understand the kind of world we lived at that time and today.

I studied in Universidad de Chile, but the coup came and I had to leave this wonderful career. I chose this university because it had the best professors at that time. A group of intellectual professors who wrote many and interesting books. The relationship with them was very close with us, the students. We spent many hours talking about the Chilean and worldwide social situation. This was a very nice time at this university for me.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Post N°3 The best Holidays/Concert ever 

  You should choose one theme and mention:


- when it was
- where they went
- how long it was
- people they went with
- things / activities they did
- why it has been the best so far
- any other relevant info


- when / where it was
- the artist they saw
- a bit of info about the artist
- describe the atmosphere during the event
- describe how they felt and why they enjoyed it
- any other memories about it

>>Worcount: 180
>>Leave comments on 3 of your classmates posts.

My best holiday
 Resultado de imagen para country images

My best holiday, the one I remember very well, took place when I was a child. My family and I went to Frutillar to a ranch on the mountain. We spent about a week here. We took several short trips to different places around the Llanquihue Lake, Puerto Varas and even we went as far as Petrohue. 
Petrohue is a wonderful place, its colorful water is gorgeous, and it falls with such strength that its current moves at very high speed.
The lake is also a beautiful place; it is lake an ocean in the middle of the mountain. All surroundings in this area are marvelous. 
The thing I remember the most is one the owner of the ranch, where we were staying, brought a whole cow which they cooked for many hours early in the morning. This was awesome. By lunch time, we all began to eat the meat and I think we did not stop eating until 5 or 6 in the evening. I guess this was the longer lunch I have ever had in my life.
I had a great time with my entire family that this holiday I will never forget.